Breaking in a new Barrel with Coated bullets


New member
I am getting ready to break in a new 30 BR barrel this weekend. I am shooting WS2 coated bullets in my other 30 BR rifle. My barrel break in routine will be cleaning after each shot for the first 10 rounds and then cleaning after 3 rounds for the next 40. I was thinking of shooting the first 10 shots uncoated and the rest would be coated.
Is it ok to shoot coated bullets to break in a new barrel or should I stick with naked bullets for the first 50.

I agree with Al completely.
I broke in a new barrel last week (krieger) and ran a little experiment. I cleaned out the chips and crud with an oiled patch of Butch's Gun oil (which has Kroil in it I believe) and fired the first shot over the oil. No copper whatsoever. Tried it again to see if it was a fluke. No copper anywhere and completely white patch using Eliminator. Did this up to the fifth shot with same results. Decided then that I didn't have any more time to waste (late afternoon by then) so I began the dry barrel breakin shots. Copper city! Not just on the lands or in streaks but in total wash over 100% of the barrel. Took 7 more dry barrel shots before the patches weren't coming out purple/blue. So basically, I think I wasted the first five bullets and couple hours. Proved to me right there that breakin must be done on dry barrel with bare bullets.
Thanks Al and goodgrouper, I will use uncoated bullets for the break in.

The knowledge of experienced shooters on this forum has saved me many headaches and saved a ton of my time. I truly appreciate all your great advice. I am sure others feel the same way.
