Brady Update VII


Club Coordinator
DSCN1675.jpg If you study this picture for a minute you can begin to understand health costs.

Brady has his eyes open and tries to talk but can't yet. His arms are secured to keep him from pulling things loose. He understands things to some degree but goes in and out. He is breathing on his own.
just left the hospital like Mickey said tries to talk but cant, in and out. but he did smile and said thanks (under his breath) when i told him we (benchrest central) were all praying for him and loved him.
Talked to Diane a few minutes ago. She said Brady is gaining on it and seemed confident that recovery will occur.
Thanks , Uncle "Cook and bottle washer"
I flipped a creamer container just this morning, at breakfast, just for you.
Continued prayers for Brady K-night. Wilbur , PM your latest phooon numba.
Talked to Diane a few minutes ago. She said Brady is gaining on it and seemed confident that recovery will occur.
Thanks , Uncle "Cook and bottle washer"
I flipped a creamer container just this morning, at breakfast, just for you.
Continued prayers for Brady K-night. Wilbur , PM your latest phooon numba.

How 'bout just posting it. Pretty sure I'll regret this but it's one of those VOIP deals (OOMA) and doesn't always work....
