Brady Update III


Club Coordinator
Went in to see Brady this morning. Of course, anybody in ICU looks bad compared to a wholesome clean living human like me but he did look OK. ;) He is still on the respirator and his eyes were closed but I took his hand and told him to squeeze my hand. He never opened his eyes but he squeezed my hand with surprising strength.

Several times it appeared he was going to open his eyes but he never did fully open them while I was there. I had been in about 5-7 minutes when Diane came in. His vital signs were good and he had good color (for a white guy) and he didn't appear to be swollen much at all.

Diane said that she finally got a good night's rest and she was feeling better. That's really about all to report today. I'll go back Sunday morning to check on him again.
Really now, Mick, it's good to see Brady still has his sense of humor.
We all know what you look like and only out of manners and politeness do we open our eyes. with you around.
Tell Brady the northerner is thinking of him.........good thoughts.

Mebbe I will and mebbe I won't. ;) (You know I will, bein' a gracious Southerner an' all)
I'm pretty lucky I met Mr Brady Knight at shamrock 2011 & got to shoot my first match under Brady Knight at Rachel s glen 2012 & was lucky enough to eat supper with him & all his friend & I mean real friends. Great people Brady get well I want to shoot with you again . Your in my prayers