Brady Knight


Club Coordinator
has just been admitted to Jackson's Hospital in Montgomery with pneumonia. He is in ICU and the doctor's consider his condition to be serious. I'll post more when I know more.
has just been admitted to Jackson's Hospital in Montgomery with pneumonia. He is in ICU and the doctor's consider his condition to be serious. I'll post more when I know more.

Please, Please, Please, keep us posted. We do not need any more grief this holiday season.. Dammit Brady, GET BETTER!!!!!!!!!!
just got back from the hospital. he was sleeping so all i did was let Mrs Knight and Scott and the rest of the family know that Mickey let us all know about the situation and that we love them and are praying for the family. she said he has been feeling bad for 3 or 4 days now and was hurting more today so she said he was going to the hospital. like Mickey said it is serious so everyone please pray for the family.
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i talked to his daughter today and this is what she said...... "the dr. says that he is critical and not out of the woods. he has gone ceptic (i think she might have meant septic) (i copied and past her message) and getting the infection out is very important right now. they are going to evaluate installing drain
tubes today."
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from his daughter........

she just sent me another message......... "We just checked on Daddy and he held his own blood pressure all day yesterday without any medication. His color looks alot better and the nurse said he had a restful night. Today the Doctor is going to install a tube in his lung to try to clean out some of the infection he will decide then if he will leave the tube in to continue draining. We were told that he is still not out of the woods but he is improving."