We shot today
Still experimenting a little with shot number and scoring, but the cardboard backers, stapled to a frame four feet behind the regular backer to which the targets are affixed worked out ok. One three-shot group fired today, which measured only around .025" ctc looked like a single ovoid shot hole on the target, but the backer easily disclosed the three shots, which revealed a three shot group of around 1/8" ctc or larger due to the added deflection going thru the target, plus the distance to the second backer.
We shot thirty scored shots on the A36 target, using the two center ones as sighters. Three shot groups were fired on each target bull, before moving on to the next ... this departure from previous pattern allowed all thirty official shots to be completed fairly easily in 20 minutes. We each shot three targets, for a total of 90 record shots, and the average for the thirty groups ctc was used to determine the overall winner.
The data from six shooters today firing 180 measured groups is very valuable to us, showing what decent airguns can be expected to do in blustery winds at *50 yds off the bench.
We ARE shooting from insie my garage, so the first 5.5yds of the 50yd range is protected from three sides, but this seems to be a hardship with respect to doping wind, since its much more difficult to detect shifts in direction.
I'll post detailed results later.