Boyds stocks


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I've used a couple and, in the immortal words of another member, they were just a crap!
Inletting was much too generous leaving visible gaps. Rough sanding was overenthusiastic giving a wavy surface with dips and valleys. On top of that, delivery time was too long (Months, not weeks). In the end they were fixable but not easily. Regards, Bill.
I have found them to be pretty good most of the time. I have never had delivery take but the regular 3-5 days but then again mine have always been in stock when I ordered them. Take it for what it is worth to you, but most of the ones I have bought unfinished from any maker will need a good bit of prep time to get them like I want them.

Just as every mass produced receiver and barrel have differences in them, stocks will be the same way.
Ive owned a few of the over the years for my Savages and for the money they wernt to bad for field use chasing fat groundhogs.
There is cognitive learning and there is salient learning.

My anecdotal experiences with Boyds were so bad that I don't care what the objective facts are about Boyds in general. I am done with them.