Bouncing Xhairs



Does a crosshair (when dryfiring) that comes to rest off the aiming point… indicate a set-up problem ?

Tuned M700, Weaver 6.5X20 in Leu rings on a 20MOA base, McGee laminate stock. Bald Eagle w/ Farley top and rear bunnybag on a concrete bench. Rig weighs 16# 9 oz.
First of all, are you dry firing using a fired case? There is a lot of difference between what you see with the pin hitting a used primer and when the chamber is empty. It seems to me that since you have a primer to cushion the blow when shooting, that you should do your evaluation in a similar manner. Getting back to the question, I have seen a difference by switching rear bags. The other thing that has made a difference is the weight of the firing pin. With a light pin and a heavier spring, as I understand it, the kinetic energy remains more or less constant, but the momentum is reduced. I have played with this and the light pin and heavy spring shot as well, and the cross hair movement when dry firing was considerably reduced.
Given the weight of your rifle....

I would say yes. Tighten your set up a bit to eliminate the "jump".
Much appreciate the replies, will use a fired case from now on.