Bore tech Rim fire blend.



for years i've used 2 solvents sweets 7.62 for barrels that use copper jacketed bullets and Hoppes #9 for everything else. i was at my local shop and noticed the Bore tech products on the shelf and figure what the heck. so tried some. this stuff is pulling more junk out of my barrel than i ever thought could even be in there. it is doing an excellent job. i recommend it to anybody looking for a good rimfire solvent.
Rimfire Blend

Another nice thing about it is that after cleaning it takes very few rounds to settle back in again. After a target [ARA] i put 2-3 drops of Rimfire Blend on a bronze brush,i push it out the muzzle with my Denny rod, i then unscrew the brush,pull the rod back thru,get my other Denny rod out,put a patch on it[cotton flannel] push it thru and remove it at muzzle,repeat,use my Hongisto tuner cleaner on tuner and muzzle then my homemade cleaner to clean bloop tube and back to shooting. I fire 5 shots in the backer below my new target and then start on sighters. By 5 shots it is back on target, actually it seems to be in 2-3 but i still shoot 5 off target. Anyway........i like the stuff!
Sorry Bill...........:D
Boretech Rimfire Blend

I love the stuff, all I use for regular cleanings for my lead guns... For my copper/centerfire guns I use Boretech Eliminator. Am getting great results from it also (like sweets 7.62 without the smell).
I've been using the Bore Tech Eliminator for about a year now. It's cheaper than the Rimfire Blend, and I'll bet it works as good or better. I have found no solvent to work better. I've heard great things about the Rimfire Blend. But the way this Eliminator stuff works, I'll just keep using it. I'm sold on the stuff. I mix it 50/50 with Kroil. This formula is a killer. Zips a barrel clean it about 2 patches.

Hey Brad,

I know it is a far drive for you but are you going to make it up to Benchrest Rifle Club of St. Louis on Saturday for the first ARA match?


I have to work all weekend. I doubt I'll make it up to Wright City any this year since I started a new job. My old job went to Mexico. :mad: I had to take a big cut in pay, and fuel, ammo being as high they are is just to big of a burden for me to take on at this time.

I understand Brad, Sorry to hear that...Ammo and especially fuel prices are going to be tough.

I should feel lucky to have 2 new ranges to shoot this upcoming season.

United Sportsmans Club in Jefferson City about 35 min drive.
Owensville less than an hour drive.
Each shooting 6 targets.

I have Benchrest of STL which is 1:30 min

Crosswinds which is 2 hours.

Those will be my primary ranges and may make a tournaments at Pioneer and Mill Creek.

The 4 above mentioned will be my primary ranges this year.

Rimfire Blend

When I ahd Butch Hongisto smith my Suhl 150, he recommened this product. I have since started using it on all my 22 RF guns and just love it. "Recovery" time after cleaning is very few rounds.

