Bore Tec Carbon C4 - Cleaning


I have been seeing on other forums that some are using the C4 carbon cleaner for their 22's with patches only and soaking the chamber to get the carbon ring and not brushing the bore for 1000's of rounds with no loss in accuracy........ whats your thoughts on this ?
I have been seeing on other forums that some are using the C4 carbon cleaner for their 22's with patches only and soaking the chamber to get the carbon ring and not brushing the bore for 1000's of rounds with no loss in accuracy........ whats your thoughts on this ?
I use C4 the way you describe. I have read and been taught that you want to minimize brushing the bore, so I only use the brush for a thorough clean, like after a 6-card match. And then, it's one stroke only, from muzzle to chamber.
Ask 1000 people, get 1000 answers. I would say most in the BR game do not subscribe to the theory you outline. Some in the PRS games do, but there are different needs (mostly meaning they don't get foulers). Most in BR brush every card, but many do not as stated above. You just have to find what works for you. General consensus is that the carbon ring needs to be removed whether that entails C4, brushing or some other means. I don't personally use C4 and don't have an issue with removing the carbon ring, but again, just 1 of a million opinions. I personally brush every card, but that doesn't mean scrub the hell out of it. There are those that do that too.

It's a matter of finding what works best for you. Experiment in your routine until you find what you like.
Ask 1000 people, get 1000 answers. I would say most in the BR game do not subscribe to the theory you outline. Some in the PRS games do, but there are different needs (mostly meaning they don't get foulers). Most in BR brush every card, but many do not as stated above. You just have to find what works for you. General consensus is that the carbon ring needs to be removed whether that entails C4, brushing or some other means. I don't personally use C4 and don't have an issue with removing the carbon ring, but again, just 1 of a million opinions. I personally brush every card, but that doesn't mean scrub the hell out of it. There are those that do that too.

It's a matter of finding what works best for you. Experiment in your routine until you find what you like.
Thanks Hozzie, I talked to a shooting buddy and he is trying this with a factory rifle that he uses for factory class ARA, he says that after over 1500 rounds he has only used C4 to clean the bore and to get the carbon ring out, just patches, no brushing at all, he says he can tell no difference in the accuracy or scores so far. This is just one example, be interesting to see how this plays out.
I have been seeing on other forums that some are using the C4 carbon cleaner for their 22's with patches only and soaking the chamber to get the carbon ring and not brushing the bore for 1000's of rounds with no loss in accuracy........ whats your thoughts on this ?
Every Button rifled hand lapped barrel I have owned reacted pretty much the same to cleaning. They have shot their best when clean and come back to point of aim after 3or4 fouling shots. Sometimes only 1or 2. This may not hold true with cut rifled unlapped barrels but this idea that you need to run 1500 rounds of ammo through a remfire barrel to season it before it shoots should tell you something about the quality of the barrel. I say this because this idea of seasoning a remfire barrel before it shoots it's best is nothing more than filling in imperfections left in the bore by the manufacturing process.
Every Button rifled hand lapped barrel I have owned reacted pretty much the same to cleaning. They have shot their best when clean and come back to point of aim after 3or4 fouling shots. Sometimes only 1or 2. This may not hold true with cut rifled unlapped barrels but this idea that you need to run 1500 rounds of ammo through a remfire barrel to season it before it shoots should tell you something about the quality of the barrel. I say this because this idea of seasoning a remfire barrel before it shoots it's best is nothing more than filling in imperfections left in the bore by the manufacturing process.
I don't disagree with your comment about factory cut rifled barrel quality but just wanted to mention that I've been shooting rimfire semi-seriously for over 30 years. I've never had to season a factory barrel any more than I do a match grade button rifle barrel. 3-4 (usually less) rounds and they're all back to shooting where they should and as well as they should. I've tested this in all (several) of my factory rifles. I've tried the no clean thing with a few of my factory rifles and they don't shoot any better than they do when clean. Not cleaning for 1000-1500 rounds only makes more work to clean when you finally decide to do so