Bolt Nose Contact


Should the bolt nose touch the breech face of the barrel on a 22 rimfire? What effect if any does touching.not touching have on accuracy ? TIA
My bolt has a counter bore of .038. To achieve .043 headspace my bolt nose is .005 off the breach face of the barrel. Headspace can affect accuracy. What rifle are you asking about?
My bolt has a counter bore of .038. To achieve .043 headspace my bolt nose is .005 off the breach face of the barrel. Headspace can affect accuracy. What rifle are you asking about?
Just rimfires in general, I was told years ago by a pretty well known gunsmith that the bolt nose and breech face should not touch.
While just about every rimfire action has a counterbored bolt face, there is one exception. That is the
Rem. 540/541 series. With those actions the bolt face is flat, no counterbore, The barrel breech is counterbored for the cartridge rim to fit into. As such there is a possibility with just the right headspace, the cartridge head would be just flush with the back of the barrel, so the bolt face would make some degree of contact with the barrel. It's a real odd design. If you can lay your hands on one you'll see what I mean.

Steve Kostanich