Bolt Face



Is it possible or even practile to reduce a 308 boltface to 223 size. Bolt is Rem 600. I have had bolts opened to larger size.
Bolt face

It is done all the time. They epoxy in a ring that fits 223. Usually the extractor is converted to a Sako type as the Rem will nolonger fit.
Unless you plan on a single shot it is not worth the effort... the action rails will not work at all for feeding...

I would not recommend doing the conversion where part of the Sako extractor system is installed... swap your bolt with someone going the other way or buy a new bolt from Dave Kiff.
Is it possible or even practile to reduce a 308 boltface to 223 size. Bolt is Rem 600. I have had bolts opened to larger size.

I do it all the time, but I use a Force 44 solder from Brownell's to hold in the bushing. Sako extractors are the way to go. Sako rifles been doing it for years, even the newer ones that don't have the bolt guide on the bolt.
I have done several. Make the bushing first unless you have more than one lathe. Put your bolt in the lathe with your bolt holding tool. Bore the nose to fit the bushing leaving a bit of clearance, degrease and glue in with JB Weld. I use the tailstock to hold the bushing in overnight while the JB dries. Then you can bore the bushing to your demenisions. When you are instaling the Sako extractor you can also clean the JB from the ejector hole. I get my extractors from Greg Tannell.

Have fun.
