Boerne Shooting Club IR50/50 Unlimited Results for 8/2/2017


Les Williams
We shot our monthly 3 card unlimited match last night and as has been the case all year got a mild front from the North with winds NNE. Now remember we’re in South Texas and when we had the North winds in June well OK late cool front as we call them for the year. Then when we had the same issue in July it was one of those what global warming, now August, still a bit warm, but anyway, I don’t have any idea what in the hell north winds in August are about and where and the hell they come from. By the time we were ready to shoot it was a mute issue for the rain came, and here in South Texas we don’t give a damn for rain is welcomed anytime especially this time of year.
As I’ve mentioned recently we’ve been updating, or should I say building and updating existing berms and this was our first chance to try out what is close to the finish product. It’ll take a few outings to confirm but maybe we’ll have some more honest winds versus the switch,switch,switch as in the past years.
OK to the match.
8 shooters made the scene and as mentioned right when it was time to kick off a thunder buster rolled in so we just sat back and watch the rain for a few. Once it slowed down enough to hang targets and not get soaked we started the fun.
I broke out the ole Turbo, wanted to test some ammo and also made one hopefully last change to my rifle now that it looks like I’ve finally fixed my FTF issue I was having since late last year.

Target 1
Les Williams – 250 19X’s
Allen Taylor - 249 18X’s (Allen was shooting his 10/22 AKA the Raptor) It honestly is wrapped in Dinosaurs
Joe Chacon – 249 15X’s

Target 2
Les Williams – 249 19X’s Yes I knew it just as I pulled the trigger for the front 2 flags switched.
Jerry Hensler – 247 18X’s
Lisa Chacon – 247 12 X’s

Target 3
Wayne Argence – 249 15X’s
Les Williams – 248 17X’s
Joe Chacon – 248 16X’s

Match Results
1st Les Williams – 747 55X’s
2nd Joe Chacon – 744 42X’s
3rd Lisa Chacon – 743 41X’s

It was a good night as always getting to hang out with friends and enjoy punching holes in paper.
As a side note want to acknowledge the generous $$$ gift from our club member Phil Huber so that we could purchase 4 new picnic tables.

Anyway if you live in the Central/South Texas area we’d sure welcome you to come out to any of our matches and check out the club as we continue to update it and hopefully make it one of the best little ranges in Texas.

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