Boerne IR 50/50 Results 09/13/2017


New member
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome back to the Boerne Shooting Club Jim Riggs.
It is my understanding that he used to shoot at our club back in the day, he ventured out tonight to shoot with us once again.

Welcome Back Jim!

Congratulations to Jerry Hensler, he took 1st place tonight in the IR 50/50 SOTY Match.

Jerry shot 2 250's tonight 14 x's on the 1st one and 16 x's on his second one.

James Braddy took the 1st card of the night with a 249 17 x'.

I shot high card 2nd card with a 250 and 22 x's.

1st Place Jerry Hensler 749 43 X's
2nd Place Lisa Chacon 745 49 X's
3rd Place Joe Chacon 745 40 X's
4th Place Hubert Kelsheimer 743 42 X's

Great Shooting Jerry Congratulations again!



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The Bounty has been Claimed!

Sometime back a bounty of $200 was posted for the first IR50/50 target of 250 and 20X’s or more to be shot with a semi-auto. Well Lisa Chacon driving her trusted 10/22 rifle, the Texas Rose, did it last night and the conditions were far from perfect.
I was seated next to her and observed her work the 10-2 switch and wait for it then pull the trigger. She’s becoming a pretty good wind reader I must say and with her recent performances she and her rifle are peaking with some big ABRA tournaments coming up. Hopefully Lisa doesn’t mine me mentioning this for it’s a good lesson for all to learn from, but on target 3 she was struggling with the condition that she had just killed and after the dust had cleared turns out the box of ammo on target 3 was a different lot than she had been shooting. So, lesson learned always check the box itself and not rely on the brink label.
Anyway, Congratulations Lisa for a 250 22X is a monster card!

Congratulations to Lisa!

You have one great looking gun, and it obviously shoots every bit as good as it looks. But, then again, without you driving her she probably wouldn't have done so well.

Keep up the great work.

And, as for all the rest of the winners and grinners - keep smiling cause you know who's lurking in the shadows if you mess up.

Dave Shattuck
So Excited

well it is official I won the bounty for my IR 50/50 Card last night.

250 -22 X's .

So Excited!


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Well being one of the scorers I knew it was killer, but nothing like having the official seal of approval.
Another round of congratulations for a job well done!!!!!
