Boerne ARA Match Results 09/19/2015


New member
I want to start off by giving a huge congratulations to Fred Jamison. He shot the very first 2500 for 2015 at the Boerne Range.
(Pending Verification from Dan Killough)

Congrats Fred it is a beautiful target, we are very happy for you!!!

Welcome to Joe McElyea, we hope you had a good time and will join us again.

Phil you put up some great scores tonight..

1st Place goes to Jack Harper with a 2230 agg.
2nd Place goes to Phil Huber with a 2170 agg
3rd Place goes to Fred Jamison with a 2166 agg
4th Place goes to Les Williams with a 2130 agg
5th Place goes to Joe Chacon with a 2115

Les Williams had high 1st card with a 2300
Jack Harper had high 2nd card with a 2250
Jack Harper had high 3rd card with a 2250
Fred Jamison had high 4th card with a 2500
Jack Harper had high 5th card with a 2300.

Great shooting everyone,

Looking forward to seeing you guys at the next match.

Congratulations Fred! That's quite the feat to shoot a 2500. What's next on your Bucket List?
