Boerne ARA Match Results 04 18 2015


New member
With Crazy wind to no wind, heavy rain and hail, we still were able to have our ARA shoot last night. It was touch and go until the last minute but the 9 of us hung in there til the very end.

Les Williams was able to pull off another 1st place win, with Jack Harper in 2nd and Joe Chacon with Hammer Time in 3rd. It seems to be a repeat line up from the last match.

There was only one 2300 that was able to be shot in these conditions and that was Les Williams High Card of the match on the 4th target, this kind of gives you some insight as to what the conditions were like.

Joe Chacon with his Semi Auto (HT) high card of the night was only 100 points off of Mr. Williams card shooting a 2200. How far will these semi-autos be able to go?

Check out the full scores from last night.

See ya on the range,
