Bob Pease 40XR Sporter


New member
Anyone own or have any info on a 40XR sporter that Bob Pease was building back in the 80's? I ran across one from an older shooter and it appears to be a heavy barrel 40XR pillar bedded in a Remington 700 BDL varmint stock.
40X sporter

I just finsihed putting one together this past weekend in an ADL stock.
I can send you a pic if you send your email address.
Anyone own or have any info on a 40XR sporter that Bob Pease was building back in the 80's? I ran across one from an older shooter and it appears to be a heavy barrel 40XR pillar bedded in a Remington 700 BDL varmint stock.

I am not sure what all you want to know but Bob did some writing on benchrest shooting and building rifles. There are two volumes. The one I have is on center fire rifles and hand loading. He does say that he did not do his own chambering. I have one one of the Bob Pease rifles but the work was done by Nelson Berger. It is a 40XBR in 22 PPC.
If you find Volume II it may say something about his rimfire rifles.
Del Martin
I have his entire collection of manuals. My posting was for info on the actual 40XR sporters that he had built and sold. I have a local shooter who claims the one he has was built by Pease. The only rifles I am familiar with that Pease sold was the "poor mans ppc".

Yes. I have a 1983 Pease catalog that contains an additional sheet "UP DATES & SPECIALS" Under rifles is listed :
One only 40XR .22 Rimfire target sporter - this is a brand new 40XR .22 rf single shot heavy barreled action pillar bedded into a 700 BDL varmint stock using hex bolts and honed trigger. A super man's .22 rifle for fun or silhouette complete rifle will weigh in at 10#. All of these have grouped 1/4" or less at 50 yd. $695

This ad is for (1) only but the last sentence of the description speaks of "these" meaning more than one were made.

If anyone is interested in a set of Bob Pease's books on gunsmith benchrest rifles, drop me a PM and I'll see what I can do. Retired gunsmith friend of mine has a pile of them and will sell them.