blueing salt bloom problems



I have a few parts that are two pieces of metal rivited together . i am getting salt bloom seeping from these joints even though i boiled them for 15 minutes after blueing. Should i boil them some more? what about boiling them in something like baking soda and water? :confused:
Try boiling them for 30 minutes... you can add a half a spoonful of vinegar to the water... careful though, too much will remove the bluing..
If this doesn't work try flushing the parts in cold vinegar water. The cold bath to be a mild vinegar mix (I dis-remember the ratio, probably Dennis can help here) you take the part out and swish it in the cold water. The idea is that as the parts cool they draw the vinegar into the joint and then when you re-immerse into the salts the joint flushes a little........ I remember HEARING of this trick from gunsmithing school many yrs ago. I've never tried it!

I've never had to blue riveted parts and I learned early to disassemble everything.
