Bluebonnet in New Braunfels

Here are the results from todays Bluebonnet match. We shot LV and Sporter at 100 yards today. Nice day to burn gun powder.

Kris Whitman


  • Light Varmint 100 yards - Bluebonnet 2018.pdf
    559 KB · Views: 332
  • Sporter 100 yards - Bluebonnet 2018.pdf
    538.8 KB · Views: 270
Final Match Results for Bluebonnet

The final results are attached. Steve Murphy won the Two Gun, with Mike Bryant coming in 2nd, Mike Conry took 3rd, Gary Bristow was 4th, and Larry Baggett was 5th. Steve Murphy won the Light Varmint, followed by Gary Bristow, and Mike Bryant. Mike Conry won the Sporter, followed by Steve Murphy, and Mike Bryant. We had 32 competitors for the match. The Friday practice session was rained out, but conditions Saturday and Sunday were about as good as they get at the Dietz Range in New Braunfels, TX.


  • Bluebonnet Two Gun Results 2018.pdf
    692.1 KB · Views: 221