Bloop tube

When Anschutz shortened their barrels to reduce bore time (a consideration for offhand shooting) in the late '60s or early '70s, they provided a bloop tube to recover the sight radius of their former rifle. Although they reversed course, the idea caught on as an extension to lengthen sight radius on barrels of conventional length. But there's nothing new under the sun. John Moschow, (sorry to mess up the spelling) national prone (rimfire) champion circa 1959 fielded a rifle so equipped in matches in the Minnesota and Iowa region. Don't know if the NRA outlawed it back then. That said, It can be argued that the major benefit of a "tuner" is the adding of the weight to the muzzle, and the change in dynamic response of the barrel resulting from that.

When I returned to 3-position shooting, I had a problem with the rifle weight, and I put on a short barrel with a bloop tube to come up with a lower weight but the same sight radius. I leave the tube in when I shoot with a scope in case there is an accuracy improvement due to the muzzle being weighted.

bloop tube

My bloop tube tuner on my rimfire has nothing to do with "sighting being extended"
The gasses when fireing go around the bullet and thereby do not change the direction of the bullet,that is my understanding.