Bloop Tube



Anyone Have Any Input On This Accessory ?anyone Useing One ?
Does It Help ???
Is It Worth Trying ???
Whats Your Results??
You're probably not going to get a definative answer here. If you have a recent Harrell's made tuner then the tube isn't really a big additional expense. I got one for one gun, put it on took it off a few times. Myself, I couldn't tell so currently it's off. I doubt I'd run out and get a brandy new tuner just for a tube.
In Issu smallbore it was only used to extend the iron sight radius to the maximum legal length, no other purpose was intended. Some added weights to it for balance ect., but not as to dampning vibrations. Down side is, crown gets dirty rather quickly. There was a school of thought for a time that it would prevent the bullet from being adversly affected by a crosswind at the instant it exited from the bore, never proven. One thing it does do well is to direct noise of the shot down range, very noticable on short barrels.