steve stanley
Well-known member
It was a beautiful day for a match. The turnout was kinda light, 15 shooters a VFS but we had a good time.The conditions weren't too bad but they were tricky. Ed Niaz won with a 250-21x score, Charles Curry was 2nd w 250-20x and Wayne France took 3rd w 250-19x. We had a new shooter that made a pretty good showing for his first match, Gerry Prosise has purchased Doc Bandy's old Hall and he shot a good match with it 250-17x, good start in tricky conditions. Speaking of Doc, he came by for a visit during the match and he was looking pretty good and he said he was feeling pretty good but still weak from the pneumonia he had a while back. We were glad to see him, wish his eyes would let him still shoot. Doc is one of the good guys in the sport and I hate to see them have to quit. Thanks to all who helped run the match and congrats to all that shot well. Fairfax match is next Saturday so put it on your schedule.