Blackcreek match 6-6-09

steve stanley

Well-known member
It was a beautiful day for a match at KC's place today, overcast and calm, it had 250-25x written all over it and my buddy Wayne France found it( this boy is hot 2nd 250-25 in the last month). Wayne was the winner with 260-25x, Henry Vranian was 2nd w 250-23x( Ole Henry is shooting pretty good lately too) in 3rd place was Dale Lewis w 250-23x(This was Dale's first match with a benchgun, I think he liked it. Bryce Vangorder ( Adrian's son) won the jr class with a 250-20x score,Bryce also won Factory class. We had a light turnout w/24 shooters but we had fun. Congrats to the winners and to Wayne on another 250-25x match, I think Wayne has served notice that he is a force to be reckoned with this year. See ya at the range, Steve
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Yes I Did!

Yes Steve, I did enjoy the match very much. Thanks to KC, for the hospitality. I enjoyed meeting everyone, and hope to see you all again.

Wayne & Wayne

Good shooting Wayne. I quess you are out to debunk the theory of abstinence before a match hurting performance :D:D:eek::D

And in the "Sad but True" category we have "Ole Drop 'Em" continuing his unprecedented streak of dropped points at 100 yards. You'd think the Score Committee was giving out points for that......:eek:
Dale, I'm glad you had a good time with ole Blue, it was good to see you again after all these years. Don't be a stranger. Steve
Left to Right
Top Junior, 250-20X, Bryce Van Gorder (7th place overall in VFS, 1st in Factory)
2nd Place, 250-23X Henry Vranian
3nd Place, 250-23X Dale Lewis
1st Place, 250-25X Wayne France