Blackbelt Benchrest IR50/50 UNL, AGB Match Sat March 8th



Just a reminder that we will be shooting our first IR50/50 Unlimited Match of the year this Saturday March 8th starting at 0900. We will be shooting 6 targets then have some lunch and will start shooting air rifles at 1:00pm

We will be shooting three classes of air rifles ( 3 targets per class)
1. Springer rifles
2. Match rifles
3. Unlimited rifles.
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Its gonna be cold as hell and windy.... sounds like a good time, I think I have shot a match in conditions like this before and didn't do so well.:eek::D
I noticed that on the weather channel. I was toying with the idea of comming down but I had as much cold fun at the last shoot up here to last this season. Best of luck to you...8>)
Practiced in 70 degree weather

Ed Williams and I shot some great target this past evening. It was sunny 71 degrees and a 3 mph wind . Man what great fun.

Did I tell y'all that my rifle won't hit a bull in the butt when the temperature is below 60 degrees.

The last match I shot with 30 mph winds and 40 degrees temps was last Mach at Gene corvins. Seems like I agged a 1285 on the ARA targets.

I'm cooking chile and hot dogs and loading the trailer with two fire barrels.

Ya'll have fun, I won't be able to make it. I have some pines down (from the storms)in the drive that need my utmost attention. Been on the road all week, got to take care of things around the homestead first. Got to keep the little lady happy first.:(:D
Was that Whitefeather or Yellowfeather talking

Mark asked me to see if you were going color blind.
I sure do wish you boys luck with your cold weather shoot. We've still got a foot of snow on the ground up here left over from last November, and that was the last time I saw my lawn. But, I do have to say; that chile and dog mix sure sounds mighty tempting, although it's a long drive from here to there just to have a good feed while visiting with old friends. Besides, I'm still waiting on my new Theoben.

BURRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was COLD and WINDY we had all of 5 shooters today for IR 50/50 and 3 for air gun, but we had a good time.
Quick Results

Tough Conditions

IR50/50 Unlimited match 1

Competitior UNL1 x fm UNL2 x fm UNL3 x fm
Shelby Richardson 235 5 216 2 208 6
Ron Lewis 237 5 235 3 233 7
Ed Williams 223 5 226 4 202 4
Ron Williams 226 2 218 4 225 4
Mark Stillwell 226 8 228 4 235 5

IR50/50 Match 2

Competitior UNL1 x fm UNL2 x fm UNL3 x fm
Shelby Richardson 224 6 213 1 219 6
Ron Lewis 235 6 233 6 244 6
Ed Williams 218 4 219 2 226 5
Ron Williams 228 6 228 3 221 5
Mark Stillwell 235 4 239 6 232 5

Air Gun Benchrest:
Competitior Match 1 x fm Match 2 x fm Match 3 x fm

Ron Williams 202 0 230 0 210 0
Ron Lewis 242 1 239 5 134 0
Mark Stillwell 201 0 190 1 218 1

Unlimited 1 Unlimited2 Unlimited3
Ron Williams 235 1 240 0 236 1
Ron Lewis 228 0 216 2 247 1
Mark Stillwell 233 4 245 4 239 1