Black Powder availability

John Kielly

Shari's fan club
Continuing the OT from another thread, I'm a tad confused.

Don't they sell black Stateside any more, al? I know a manufacturer or two has gone orbital occasionally, but......?
Yes John they do, here in the states we have about half a dozen or more retailers (not counting the stores that sell it) of Black Powder. You can order it easily off of the net. UPS ships it with the regular Haz-Met fee, and they will ship up to two cases on one order, a case being 25 lbs. Right now it is much easier to get than smokeless here...

You can bet that the availability of BP is going down the toilet soon, because of the Boston bombs! Those were BP blasts for sure, probably 5-6 lbs each. :mad:
Yeahhh, we keep a few kegs of Ye Holie Black around...... Graf and Sons, Swiss and Goex. Main problem with black is the cleanup. My son busted the tamping lever off his Cimarron 1858 Sunday after firing only about 20rds. Although part of the time he was loading singly so the chamber that busted the lever may have had 8-10rds through it.

We just like making stuff around here, he had several pounds of commercial black in his bag. His next project is making caps, then he can well and truly call his revolver a "self sufficient bugout gun ;) "
Your son is going to make primers? Some recent photo's may be in order.
Your son is going to make primers? Some recent photo's may be in order.

HAS already made the primers.....and blasting caps. It's totally doable given proper ability (and strict adherence to the Safety Rules in place around here :) I think this property has more pairs of safety glasses than the local foundry. The other night my Mom and Dad were over and Dad sez "who's that lady over by the pumphouse?" It was just threeson in his lab apron and headgear ;)

Why the recent photos?


A young boy making black powder or primers with your permission! It's a wonder your not talking to a homicide cop, or Human Services.