Black Creek IR5050 Match moved 1 week


The Black Creek IR5050 Double UL match scheduled for this Sunday the 9th has been moved the following Sunday the 16th due to predicted high winds.

Bruce Hornstein
how does this match work??

I just bought a 13.5 lb .22 and would be interested in trying to compete with it ... but how do these matches work? I know the target is a 25 type bullseye arrangement but from reading the info at IR5050 on the web it looks like the day is composed of shooting multiple guns - sporter, 10.5, and 13.5???? If I was to participate with the 13.5 do I just shoot at one "target"?

Thanks for any insight (no pun intended :) )
Mike: Welcome!

IR50 has several match types; sporter, 3 gun and unlimited. The matches at BC next Sunday are Unlimited. An unlimited match consists of 3 targets, shot at 50 yards unless the match announcement specifies meters. Unlimited means just that. Shoot what you bring off any type rest you want.

3 gun IR50 is a separate game. You shoot one each target with the sporter, 10.5 and 13.5 pound rifles. Two piece rests are required. Match can be either 50 yards or 50 meters.

Sporter matches, again a separate game are 3 targets, all shot with the sporter at either 50 yards or 50 meters.

All the above use the same target and mostly the same rules. Deviations and/or exceptions are explained in the rules. They are worth reading. When we say IR50 you can usually assume folks are talking about 3 gun matches. If UL it is specified as such and same with a sporter match.

If your gun makes 13.5 pounds, yes you may shoot just the one card during a 3 gun match, assuming the range and match can accommodate you. At a UL match it matters not. You will be good to go.

Hope this helps. Ask away if you are not sure of something. bob
"Double UL match" indicates that you can shoot that 13.5 lb rifle every card. Load up and go!
Sorry for the late response

We lost power Saturday night and didn't get it back until late last night.

Mike, I think Bob told you what you need to know but if you have more questions feel free to pm me directly. Basically, since the matches are UL anything goes as far as equipment (except mechanical triggers!).

Bob, yes the start time is 1:00 pm. Plenty of time for you to head over here from the Eastern Shore.

Bruce: Thanks. Current plan is to drive down. I'm looking forward to it.

Do I see a generator in your near future? Amazing you were out that long being as far away as you were from most of the action. My heart goes out to the folks in Eastern NC and those south. Maybe it was not a giant storm, but a few inches of water can do amazing damage.

Hope all is back to normal and you did not lose too much from the freezer. bob
We lost power Saturday night and didn't get it back until late last night.

Mike, I think Bob told you what you need to know but if you have more questions feel free to pm me directly. Basically, since the matches are UL anything goes as far as equipment (except mechanical triggers!).

Bob, yes the start time is 1:00 pm. Plenty of time for you to head over here from the Eastern Shore.



Didn't you mean "except electronic triggers" and not mechanical?

Bruce: Thanks. Current plan is to drive down. I'm looking forward to it.

Do I see a generator in your near future? Amazing you were out that long being as far away as you were from most of the action. My heart goes out to the folks in Eastern NC and those south. Maybe it was not a giant storm, but a few inches of water can do amazing damage.

Hope all is back to normal and you did not lose too much from the freezer. bob

I hope you can make it.

I delivered my brand new generator for warranty repair this afternoon. grrrrrrr. My new location has above ground wires that are prone to being down in a wind-storm. Not many people affected so if there are a lot of people down like there were Sunday morning we're at the end of the line. We're scheduled for underground power in the Spring.