Billy Stevens Wins RiverBend


Billy was in top form at Riverbend Gun Club this weekend after a rough start winning three yardages, the HV grand, and the 2 Gun.

A special congratulations goes out to Scotty Grimes (aka Grimey) for his LV 100 win! As well as another big congratulations to Don Hardeman (aka the Hartebeest aka the Beast) for his LV Grand win! Don would have placed very high in the 2 Gun if not for an errant shot caused by a patch hiding in his tuner!

A big thanks to Bill Dittman, Scott Dittman and Jim Andress for putting on an outstanding match and for putting up with us!

Billy Stevens with his new American Eagle rifle, CST action, Scarbrough Stock with custom paint, Jewell trigger, Bartlein barrel, shooting LT32 with Bart's 68 grain BTs.

Scotty Grimes LV 100 Winner

Don Hardeman aka The Beast LV Grand winner!

The rest of the Wood Winners! That very pretty young lady is Jamie Hood; Charlie & Cheryl Hood's granddaughter! She has been coming to benchrest matches since she was knee high. Jamie Presented the trophies to the winners! Getting your picture with taken Jamie is way better than Jim Andress' mug!
Thanks Bart and congratulations to Billy and you. Also, congratulations to Scotty Grimes for his yardage win. Great shooting. James

Great shooting Billy & Bart, it looks like you fellows had the guns tuned in. Good looking stock, Billy.

Need to give a couple of other honorable mentions! Left is Buddy Ross (aka Boudreaux aka Dr Pepper) who was coming on strong at 200 yards and came in 3rd in the 2 Gun! Front and center is Brady "The Man" Knight of Knight Bullets with his faithful dog Gretchen. Brady shot very well this weekend until a crossfire slowed him down! Its great to have him back shooting with us!
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congrats to you Bart and of course Billy on the display of great shooting. Also thanks for the readable results and pictures.

Dan Honert
Congratulations Billy. You shoo do look purty in them pictures. Oh and congratulations to all the other winners, yes even you Bart and Boudrou? I think I saw him in an episode of Appalachian Outlaws, not quite sure....
Isn't Boudrou actually spelled Boudreaux???:cool:

Great shooting Billy, Bart, Don, Boudreaux, Grimey, Terry Leonard, Jeff Summers, Matt Owens, Joe Bougard, and everyone else who kicked my butt! Got some work to do before the Super Shoot.

PDF and Excel versions of the results are posted in a separate thread.

Isn't Boudrou actually spelled Boudreaux???:cool:

Great shooting Billy, Bart, Don, Boudreaux, Grimey, Terry Leonard, Jeff Summers, Matt Owens, Joe Bougard, and everyone else who kicked my butt! Got some work to do before the Super Shoot.

PDF and Excel versions of the results are posted in a separate thread.


Picky! Picky! Picky!
Tell us about that CST action of Billys. Ive never heard of one. I looked them up and they look fairly interesting. Lee
Tell us about that CST action of Billys. Ive never heard of one. I looked them up and they look fairly interesting. Lee


Billy and I were both shooting them. We each have two CSTs made up on Scarbrough stocks! I've got another on my rail. They are a stainless three lug action made by Mike Irwin in Baghdad Kentucky. It's threaded to take a standard Bat B barrel. It has some pretty non standard features such as a floating firing pin, floating bolt handle, angled lugs and static ejector. I picked up my last 6 HOF points with the CST.

Mike brought down a prototype several years ago that I tested and offered input on. They are a nice action but intricate. The bolts on these things have more parts than a Swiss Watch! Don't get to excited about getting one. Mike doesn't have any interest in making them. They are complicated enough that he says he just can't make any money at it. The price would be prohibitive.

thanks for the response. I appreciate that very much. I did send CTS a email asking about this action and he also said that he wasn't interested in making any more of them. That's unfortunate, but I understand his reasons. He did however tell me about a tactical action that they are working on that will be for sale to the public. Mike didn't go into any detail, but it sounds like he is pretty excited about it. I am not much on the tactical side of the sport, but I will be looking forward to reading all about it.
I love bolt actions. Finely made bolt actions do funny things to me. By far, the action is the most interesting piece of any rifle for me. I wish I could afford to own one from every maker. LOL!!! I really do appreciate your response. Lee

No problem! I should probably make this a separate thread, but here are some pics to show what I was talking about.
