Billy Graham


New member
Billy Graham has just returned from a trip and was met at the plane by a limo and driver. "You know, I am 87 and have never driven one of these thing. Do you mind if I drive," asked Billy. The driver had no problems and before long they were on the interstate with Billy at the wheel.
A young state trooper was on his first patrol and clocked the limo doing 75 in a 50 MPH zone. He pulled the limo over, took one look at the driver and walked back to his car. He got his supervisor on the phone and said," I know we are supposed to ticket all speeders, but do we make exceptions for special people?".
The supervisor asked if it was the governor. "No, more important than that", the trooper responded. Well, then it must be the president. "No, more important than the president", was the reply
"Well, just who is in the vehicle", asked the supervisor.

The trooper responded, " I think it must be Jesus, because he has Billy Graham as his chauffer."
heard it before ,but it was the pope driving!! still a great luagh!!!