Bill Myers

Just got off the phone with Bill, and its not sounding good from what his doctor's are telling him. Bill will know more next week, Please say some prayers for Bill and Inez.


Thanks for the post, sorry to hear he's not doing well. Bill and Inez will be in my prayers. Bill's a good guy, he's unique, and I always enjoy shooting with him and shooting the bull with him as well.
Thanks Joe,

That’s terrible news. Every time Bill gives me a call its an enjoyable conversation and the last time we talked (some time ago) he was optimistic. I hope the doctors are overly pessimistic and I’ll be pulling for him.


Bill and Inez, stay optimistic. There are a lot of people that care about both of you. You are in our prayers.
Bob Pekaar
Bill and Inez

Bob is right, you have a lot of friends here praying for you.

I've known Bill & Inez for close to 15 years. They are good people, and both have had health battles. They have advanced the sport of rimfire benchrest a great deal. Both are good shooters & Bill is a very smart gunsmith. He's always trying new things, and being a gifted gunsmith, he's able to put ideas into action. Bill & Inex, the best to both of you in this tough battle. Bill, you've always been FEISTY, and I think that'l make the difference. Glynn
Fighting Cancer is not easy

It's hard one everyone you know and love. Prayers are answered, so keep the faith.
We're going to need those prayers and good wishes -- I think it's going to be a rough ride. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Bill's strongest lifeline right now is maintaining contact with his shooting friends, so the calls are much appreciated!

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Inez
Take Care My friend
Get 'em Bill!!!!

I'm pulling for you buddy. We all know that you are tough as a pine knot.

Prayers for you.


I'll be thinking about you during Mass later today.

Best of luck!

-Evan Koch
Bill and Inez,
You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
We had a chance to visit with Bill at Piney Hill on Saturday. He and Inez will very much appreciate calls from his friends and prayers from everyone. Bill is a fighter. Lets stand beside him. bob finger
Hang tough Bill

I always enjoy visiting with you at the matches. I hope and pray that you are able to beat this latest challenge and continue to be one of the masters of our rimfire game.

Mike Sherrill
Bill and Inez,
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Bill started chemo today. He hasn't felt much like talking on the phone the last few days, but appreciates very much hearing and seeing messages. Thanks for all the good wishes. My fervent prayer is that he'll be bouncing around like his old self very soon.
