Bill Eckenrode wins the IBS Nationals 2&3 Gun


With the dilution of too many forums and too many threads on BR Central the most important headline of the biggest IBS match of the year was woefully overlooked ! So in case you missed it,
Bill Eckenrode,Genesee PA shooter and former IBS National 200-300 yd Champion, came to Weikirt not to win,but to shoot, and shoot he did. With a non -ejector Stolle Panda,a Weaver Scope,and an old world fiberglass stock he came out on top of the best equipment and shooters in the world.Why? Because his focus and timing was impeccable ! He relied on his skill and experience to finish in front of all the other tough competitors.
At 200 yds Bill is a runner and his ability to hold off and follow the impact of his previous shot is something to see.He knows how to tune a rifle throughout the day and he is as tough as a junkyard dog when conditions turn bad. Congratulations Bill !!!
I was blessed to be able to load next to( and sing a few spirituals with) Jack Neary, who won the four gun and finished 2nd to Bill in the two and three gun and I can tell you ,there is not a tougher competitor on the planet.The Hall of fame is inevitable for Jack, World team Gold Medalist and former IBS and NBRSA Champion."
Harley shot great as did Wayne and Dave Bruno, Lowell,Bob Scarbourough JR,Sid Goodling, Jim Carmichael and as always Tony B.
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Bill Eckenrode

On top of being a great competior Bill is one of the nicest guys in benchrest.
Paul Ryan
Thanks for the update Joel. You are right, Bill laid the smack stick down and is for sure one of the nicest guys in benchrest. And for Jack and the Hall, he will get there. Congrats to all of the top finishers. I always get humbled at the National level. One cant make not one mistake and I made bunches. There is always next year.
Way to go Bill. Hope to see you at the 200-300 Championships.
Congratulations to Bill and Jack. Two of the good guys who thumped us pretty hard all week. There were a bunch of potential records submitted throughout the week. I believe the results are posted in the IBS site for any that want to check them out.

you need a rail gun now........ Mighty fine shooting........ Another win at UnionCounty........ IBS Three gun champion.......... Possible record.......
wow..... it was nice to see........ We shot the same relay and would check your targets out to make sure you weren't leaving up on us at all. Your confidence/equipment/abilities/experience all came together for a stellar proformance. Great shooting.......
Could you smelllll what the Eck was cookin!!!!

I guess the experimental shot house/bbq pit is the place to load.
No wonder you like it out there!!

Congrats Bill darn tickled for you

Alot of great shooting by alot of great guys.

Heading for Canastota to knock my favorite two Pr--ks off
they're stools.

See you all there,
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