Bigelow shoots 1,000


Jason Stanley
Howard Cowher and crew hosted the NBRSA Ron Shultz Memorial/Kansas State 2 Gun Championship at the Mill Creek Rifle & Pistol Range in DeSoto KS this past weekend (Oct 6-7)

Mike Bigelow (IA) shot an incredible 2 Gun Agg of 1000-54X. :cool: I believe Mike won every yardage. His scores were:
Hunter 100 yds = 250-15X
Hunter 200 yds = 250-6X
Hunter Agg = 500-21X
VFS 100 yds = 250-21X
VFS 200 yds = 250-12X
VFS Agg = 500-33
2 Gun Agg = 1000-54X

Conditions on Sat were light/medium switchy winds with light drizzle.
Sun - winds were light and consistent with periods of decent rain.

Only a few people have ever shot 1000 in a registered competition. The current NBRSA world record is held by Harvey Uttinger with a score of 1000-62X. Congratulations Mike!!
A special "Thank You" to Howard and everyone involved for putting on this event.

Better write down what you did for that match.
Otherwise one will forget and not be able to shoot that well again.

Congratulations----Job well done!!!!!!

Congrats, Mike. That elk hunt must have been a good warm up for you! Good to be able to catch up with you and R.G. :) -Al
Great guy shooting great

Congratulations on the win and shooting great sir. I know Ron is smilin' big time. Looking forward to hearing about your hunt.
Chad Schmidt
Great shooting Mike!

You're really shooting great! Wish I could have been there, but my cases are all messed up .... too soft!
Congratulations my friend!