Better be careful on what we wish for!

Mental Disorders in America

Mental disorders are common in the United States and internationally. An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. When applied to the 2004 U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18 and older, this figure translates to 57.7 million people. Even though mental disorders are widespread in the population, the main burden of illness is concentrated in a much smaller proportion — about 6 percent, or 1 in 17 — who suffer from a serious mental illness.

A Gun ban for individuals with mental disorders would cover about 57.7 million Americans.

What if the NIMH were to deem "a desire to own a gun" to be a mental disorder? That would take care of the rest of us!

Just some food for thought.
Don't Worry, Be Happy!

I am very concerned that an admission of depression in the wrong place or at the wrong time could cost one of us our job or our right to own a gun. I personally believe that any thinking person in today's world has a lot to be depressed about. However, whenever I get a survey from my employer or as part of my health care that asks if I feel stressed, anxious or depressed, then "Hell no, man. I'm happy as a pig in mud and self-confident as a Sears appliance salesman." God forbid that you should actually need an anti-depressant to get you through a rough patch. I can see gun banners everywhere salivating over that excuse to deny your gun rights. It's a real shame, but there is some justification to it. It appears that anti-depressants can give some people the motivation to move beyond their inherent inhibitions and commit suicide or kill someone else. This is a real shame and a conundrum.

People that make guns, violent movies and violent video games really all have the same problem. Millions of people use their products and never go on to hurt so much as a flea. Something over the last 50 years or so has changed so that the unthinkable is increasingly thinkable. I think that maybe part of it is the relentless messages of empowerment and self-esteem that our youth get today, deserved or not. Part of it is a constant message in "entertainment" that revenge is justified. Part of it is lack of respect for any external check force, such as parents, government or God, and part of it is the preponderance of psychoactive drugs in use today. It's the perfect storm of reduced self-control
People haven't changed since the Bible was written...... none of this stuff is "new."

The ONLY problem we have is that we're, as a nation, "resting on our laurels."

Look it up, understand what it means and find that we're no different than humanity has ever been. In fact I find the whole idea of blaming "video games" and "a culture of violence" and "mental illness" to be indicative of the REAL problem. A lack of personal responsibility, the result of NOT HAVING TO BE responsible. :)

Crash and burn........ it's the only way.

It's the old "phoenix" legend, in real life.

I've got one fist and one boot in the air and I'm riding a'whoop, gleeful as the "fiscal cliff" and the "debt ceiling" and all this gun stuff brings to a head the real problem. We ain't discussing "half empty VS half full" here, DA' GLASS DONE DID RUN DRY!!! And I'm just enjoying the ride as the t'undering herd slowly runs out of steam and approaches the edge of the precipice. We've been letting liberals walk on air for too long, the anvil's gaining potential energy and Ol' Wiley Coyote is near about ready to disappear off the screen.

Gee I love cartoons :)

Impressive Oratory

Wow, Al. I'm sitting here slack-jawed. You took her up to about 185 in 3.2 there. Kind of reminds me of Andy Devine in "Dr. Strangelove." "What in the wide world of sports is goin' on here?" I can see you riding the bomb down to Moscow waving your cowboy hat.

Living here in Vermont, I'm surrounded by Liberals of the most unthinking kind and their nefarious ideas. Remember Howard Dean? He's mild by comparison with the current crew. They have not clued into the fact that the 20 percent productive individuals cannot support the other 80 percent. This may be where Wiley C. hits the canyon floor first. I'm hoping to gosh I can get out before it destroys any hope I have of retirement.:cool:
Mental Disorders in America

U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18 and older, this figure translates to 57.7 million people. Even though mental disorders are widespread in the population, the main burden of illness is concentrated in a much smaller proportion — about 6 percent, or 1 in 17 — who suffer from a serious mental illness.

Just some food for thought.

And if we included the mentally disordered in Washington DC the figures would zoom much higher!!

Is that why DC has such restricted gun ownership??? And Chicago????
Retirement- Pipe dream on my end, and I think somebody screwed a cap on the far end cause there ain't no light down there.
People that make guns, violent movies and violent video games really all have the same problem. Millions of people use their products and never go on to hurt so much as a flea. Something over the last 50 years or so has changed so that the unthinkable is increasingly thinkable. I think that maybe part of it is the relentless messages of empowerment and self-esteem that our youth get today, deserved or not. Part of it is a constant message in "entertainment" that revenge is justified. Part of it is lack of respect for any external check force, such as parents, government or God, and part of it is the preponderance of psychoactive drugs in use today. It's the perfect storm of reduced self-control



Is that why DC has such restricted gun ownership??? And Chicago????[/QUOTE]

that's unless you are a politician no conceal carry for them its just allowed.