Best way to finish a new crown??


New member
I dial in Barrel through headstock with rods in both ends.

1. Cut 11ish degree from inside out.
2. Thread for devices (9/16,5/8,11/16)
3. Break edges with file
4. Use finger with light pressure and a piece of 150ao with cutting oil
5. Use 600 ao same way
6. Red scotch rite till very shiny

I made an 11 deg tool that fit in the tailstock and fold over emery cloth. Worked well, but another tool to keep track of an setup.

Seems to be an easier way with less steps. Ideas?
did you do a q-tip test to look for burrs ?
why all the steps to ruin a perfectly cut crown ??
the edge of the muzzle is the last thing the bullet sees. it needs to be a clean uniform
cut on the EDGE
did you do a q-tip test to look for burrs ?
why all the steps to ruin a perfectly cut crown ??
the edge of the muzzle is the last thing the bullet sees. it needs to be a clean uniform
cut on the EDGE

Wheww, well said..... reminds me of guys who'll stick their knife in the dirt to "clean it"

you might like this :)

Add to the q-tip some bobby pins....... old school girl's bobby pins

Bend it so's you've got one leg sticking out. I bend the short side out 90* right in the middle, makes it look like a squat 'T'

The bobby has a gob of some sort of plasticine goop on the end, use it just like the q-tip to find stuff the q-tip won't pick up. When the bobby comes out clean, no catch, you're golden :)

Or, I guess you could chase the edge out with a pea grinder........ differn't strokes and all....
This is how I Crown my falling block sIngle shot plainbase cast bullet competitive barrels. Flat and polished with a thirty degree angle being cut just below the grooves. The reason for polishing is to very easily see the equally formed lube star that forms across the face.

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Thanks for the tips, gents. I have done the qtip test, but never the girl clippy thing test. I like it.

Ruin it? The goal is to shoot well and they definitely do. I want less steps because I can’t stop polishing at times. It’s an illness. The 150 emery is probably a bit much, but do 600 and scotchbrite remove enough to make a difference?

Retired, so how do you do it? Carbide insert, hss? Steps after?
small carbide boring bar set at 45 degrees
high speed
from the inside out
thru the lands and touch the bottom of the grooves
probably less than 5 thou
then q-tip
and done
Thanks for the tips, gents. I have done the qtip test, but never the girl clippy thing test. I like it.

Ruin it? The goal is to shoot well and they definitely do. I want less steps because I can’t stop polishing at times. It’s an illness. The 150 emery is probably a bit much, but do 600 and scotchbrite remove enough to make a difference?

Retired, so how do you do it? Carbide insert, hss? Steps after?
ya know in the car world, there is a saying
if it don't go
chrome it!

on a side note, jackie has the right attitude.
it is based on tons of years in the marine machine business.
figure out what you want(need) then how to get there.

i try to follow his lead.
Ok, I’ll avoid polishing