best pull weight for Anschutz 54 match model 1411 trigger



I am thinking about sending the trigger of my Anschutz 54 match model 1411 to have the trigger pull weight lowered.

The trigger that is on it is the factory original model 1411-U2 which according to what I read is adjustable from 1 1/2 lbs. to 4 lbs.

I have adjusted it to the 1 1/2 lbs. and it shoots fairly good groups at 50 yards but it still seems a bit heavy to me.

I am not shooting in any formal competitions just against myself and some friends. Not likely to be shooting anything further than 50 yards.

My question is what pull weight would be the best setting for the trigger for the best accuracy BUT that would not possibly lead to the gun accidentally firing upon closing of the bolt.

The guy that I am thinking about sending it to for the work says that he can adjust it down to 2 to 4 OUNCE range. Should I consider going that low or should I see if he can adjust to something between the current 1 1/2 lbs. and the 2 or 4 ounce mark ? And if so, what would you consider to be the optimal/best setting ? I know that the answer to that may require an educated "guess".

And I am not interested in replacing the current trigger with a complete different model.

If you wish to stay with the original 1411-U2 trigger, it is possible to get these down to 9ozs. This entails changing the spring and a little stoning work of the sears. I had a gunsmith do it for me and it worked great. As far as I'm aware, that's as low as these triggers go.

To get it any lower than that you will have to change the trigger (to the best of my knowledge), to something like the 1407-U9 or the 5039.

Good luck, great rifle.

For the type of shooting you describe I would suggest a trigger pull of 12 to 15 oz. I have that same trigger and it can be set lower but if set too low the pull becomes inconsistent. After shooting mine for several years I did send it off to be modified and now it's a 2 oz. and works very well.
If the gunsmith you're talking about is TT Shooters, I can recommend his work without reservation. I had him do his magic on my 1411 trigger a year or two ago, and he changed a good trigger into a great one. I went with the 2-4 oz trigger job, and it has never fired when I didn't want it to. I use my rifle strictly off the bench, though, and if you plan to use it for shooting offhand you might find that a bit light, and maybe 12-15 oz would be better. I believe that if you go for the light one & don't like it he'll adjust it for you.