Best LED Magnified Light for bench work in the $200-500 range?


Matt in Va

The other shoe has finally dropped. At 35 my eyes are starting to blur out when working close up on fine work. Essentially 1911 work. My question: What is the best LED magnified bench light on the market? I'd prefer to have something a little less industrial looking, however, I am a pragmatist.

I see Brownells has the Luxo brand. Looked at their website and came away impressed with the following, however, I'm flying blind here... I ASSUME(?) LED is better than incandescent as it seems to be in most any other application(Surefire for example). Here is the Luxo Ovelo 16766 priced at $350. Thoughts? Looking for 2.5-3x and PLENTY of light without searing heat...

I like the look of the above, however, I'd appreciate your input. If there is something better, more expensive, etc; please don't hesitate to make a recommendation. Looking for a Weighted bench base and not a clamp on.

Thank you ahead of time and Merry Christmas to one and all...

Best Regards, Matt Garrett
Chesapeake, Virginia
I don't believe the weighted base.......................

will ever survive the unplanned accident, :mad: perhaps a weight on the weighted base would be better. The heavier the better, or you might buy it again.

I'm also not a fan of LED lighting, I like the natural crispness of incandescent, and if I throw the light a greater distance (height) from the work the temperature isn't a consideration, since I only have the mag. over the work for a short time.....
Maybe an Optivisor in addition to the Luxo would help.

I am not a pro on 1911 bench work, nor am I a pro on lighting. What I do know is that when I tie flies, especially small ones I am not without (the industry Standard) my Ott-Lite. The lighting is sufficiant and the color is real. What else do you need? Thousands of fly tyers can't be wrong.

Thank you for your input. Happy Holidays.

Regards, Matt.
I'm gonna' get behind the junior Becignuel fellow on this one.... but trust me, I'm no expert on this subject.

The industry standard when I was in gunsmithing school was/is the ring type carried by Brownells. The ones they currently carry are Luxo

It wasn't until I tried one like Paul is touting that I came to grips with the inherent weakness of the ringy-dingy-thingy.... in other words "there was something wrong" but I didn't know what it was.

The problem with the lighted rings is that they only shine one way onto the subject. Sometimes you want your workpiece back or sidelighted, or to see that sliver you've got to roll your finger thru the light...... the separated magnifier and work light are now my preference.


More expensive? wow, what a budget for a light.

I got a few from a surplus place (new) some years back and they looked like the one above but black. They were <$15 and I even gave one away as a gift. It's incandescent but if I really cared I could always make it LED by changing the bulb. My original bulb is still in mine and I don't find it hot enough to care about working for long periods. The magnifier is so large, you really don't work with your face or hands all that close to it.
Had to make a trip to the basement to check what the lamp is. Which isn't so bad as it sounds, but right now for me that requires navigating wood stairs on crutches. What I have is... the OTT-LITE TrueColor Flex Arm Plus with Magnifier attachment. It is a clamp on the table lite, that has two flex arms, one is longer and goes up to the light, the other is shorter and goes to a round Magnifier. I'll look ands see If I have a picture of it or if I see it in their most recent webpage.

I did a quick search online... Mine is the second one down...

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Thank you for your help. It is invaluable...

I would especially like to thank you for taking the time and effort to hobble down to find a model number. It is GREATLY appreciated.

Merry Christmas...

Regards, Matt Garrett
No Problem, Here are a few pics I took of flies I have tied with the help of the Ott-lite.



Whoaahhh, hey..... if I'd a' KNOWN he was crippled......

Yo Paul?? What's the serial number on your Ott-Lite? It's under the base beneath that sticker. And while you've got it in your hand could you call me and read it off?

I also tie flies as well, and a trip to a fly shop will allow you to see several of them. My favorite one is the one from Giraffe (maybe spelled wrong). But I also use two Ott Lights as well. I like the magnefying glass on the Giraffe best. There is also a device you can buy for the older round ones that expands the power level by 2.5x, and these really work very well
I have a bench magnifier with a flourescent light, but I prefer the flip up binocular magnifiers. I stuck a LED headlamp on the top of the plastic magnifier, and put the battery pac on the back of the headband. Lots of light, and pick out a low magnification if yer a young punk of 35. Great for trigger stoning type work.

I have the Luxo magnified lamp on my reloading bench and in my shop. They cost ~ $250. I got many for free from various jobs I have worked as an electronics engineer. A aerospace or medical electronics company with 100 assemblers will have more than 100 of these lamps, and many are being thrown out. I cannibalize one lamp for another. At home I have to buy my own circular fluorescent tubes.

I did have a job that was all research by some high roller tycoon named Martin King, who was always starting software companies and selling them for millions. I bought some Mantis lamps for his lab. These were ~ $1k each. He could afford it.