Berger VLD BUllets and throat


I am chambering a 280 Ackley Improved for a friend and he wants to use 168 and 180gr. Berger VDL Bullets. So I ordered a .284 throat reamer so I could cut a longer Lead for the VLD bullets. I got the throat reamer and it is marked .2845. I first cut a throat and longer lead in a stub of the barrel to see how long of a lead was needed for the VLD bullets. To my surprise I could not press the body diameter (.2841) in the lead or freebore part of the just cut throat and lead. The lead or freebore was cut to a length of about .200. I have to take a plastic mallet to start the body (.2841) of the bullet and then tap it more to get them close to the rifling with out touching them. Then I have to take a wood dow and mallet to drive out the bullet. I tried 3 different lots number of Berger VDL bullets all the same very tight.
My question is how tight should a bullet fit in the lead or freebore. I Called Berger bullets (12/18/2012) and talked with three or four different Technician’s and not one of them could give me a answer and told me that I needed to talk with Eric Stecker so each time I personally left a message for Eric to call me back on his voice mail. To date he has not done so. Now I am hoping that some one here can give me an answer as to how tight or loose a bullet should fit in the lead or freebore part of the barrel bore.All three of my 6ppc reamers cut the lead throat so that bullets will slip in and pull out with very light finger press. And the same for my 22 cal reamers. HELP.

Thanks Chet
Sounds like may be a problem with the throating reamer being (or cutting, somehow) undersized. Bullet (at a half thou clearance) should slip in-out with finger pressure. There should be no need to use any sort of hammer/force.

Bullets don't seem to be radically oversize if the mic at .2841".

What sort of barrel steel is it? What make barrel? Did you ream with a flushing system or just ream 'dry'? Could be rough machined surface causing the problem if reamer was run in dry? Stainless can be a bastard like that......


Bartlein barrel .277/.284 cut at 130 RPM slow feed lots of cutting fluid nice clean smooth looking cut throat.
On the other end of the barrel stub I cut a second throat with the same length lead but at a higher speed 300 RPM slow feed with lots of cutting. Again nice smooth clean looking cut. The bullets do seem to go into the second throat a little looser but still have to press them in. Know way can I pull them out with my fingers only. My question still is how tight or loose should a bullet fit into the Throat/Lead of a barrel without engaging the rifling? My thinking is that I should be able to hold the barrel stub upside down and the bullet should all most fall out on it own.
Thanks Much and Merry Christmas to all, Chet
I always took freebore to be used for "clearance," not "guiding."

And I always use .001 over nominal bullet diameter. Very Old School. So I posted that once, and Greg Walley of Kelblys replied he too found, with a large 7mm as I remember, that it shot better with the .001 over freebore diameter, as opposed to .0005 over.

Chet mark the O.D. of the bullet with magic marker & push it in the stub, then remove it to see where it is dragging. You may have an out of round condition or some slight chatter that is making it snug. If you haven't done so already, mic the O.D. of the throater to make sure it is what it is suppose to be. Be aware that if you tighten the chuck too much, over the section that you are reaming, you could be imparting some out of round condition when the stub is removed. Also I have seen some reamers that chatter slightly when they cut for the first time or 2. If all of this is ok, then try some thinner cutting oil. Thick oil seems to make a reamer cut a wee bit tighter in my experience.
The reason I tried asking my question to Berger bullets was I wanted some expert advise on what is the correct throat clearance between bullet and the cut throat. I felt that I already new that the throat I was cutting was too small. But never did get the return call to ask. So I posted the question here and did get some helpful information from Charles E. So I then called PT&G and ask to speak to Dave Kiff was told that he was busy that I could leave a message and he would return my call. I left the message and within a couple of minutes I got the return call from Dave and asked him the question about bullet clearance. He answered my question and explained it completely. I then told him my problem about cutting the small throat. He took time with me and explained in great detail what my problem was and what needed to be done to correct it.
I just want all to know that PT&G and Dave Kiff know what great customer service is and is willing to take time with you to explain your question and help resolve your problem he is the expert.

THANKS DAVE and I wish you and all at PT&G a very Happy New Year.
280 ACK........ have they standardized this chambering...yet.......I have an old Clymer reamer...called them about this chambering and their reply was "most of indutry" has moved the shoulderback .014" from initial design..... not angle change...but true shoulder movement...
anyone else run into this.....????
bill larson