Berger Bullets To Run Ben Avery BR Matches

Eric Stecker

New member
I am very excited to announce that starting in October, Berger Bullets returns to running BR matches at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix, Arizona. In 1982, Walt Berger started running these matches. In roughly 2000, after Berger was sold and the move to California was announced, we knew we would not be in a position to continue running matches. This was a very difficult time for Berger and I can't describe how gratifying it is to put this situation back to what it was before. As far as I am concerned, Berger Bullets is finally whole again.

Even though this move essentially puts things back as they were before Berger was sold, we are also fortunate that many things have changed. Berger has been blessed with growth that has brought us to the point where we are able to bring more resources to the BR matches than we ever could before. I won't go into the details of our plan but I can relay that we will be focusing our energy on two important areas.

1. Providing competitors with a fair and smoothly operating match based entirely on the requirements provided in the rule book.
2. Providing competitors with as many shooter comforts as possible in a deliberate effort to enhance the shooting experience.

I want to thank Art Clegg and Ed Maxwell for their hard work running these matches and for allowing us to take over again. I know from experience that this is a thankless job done entirely for the love of the sport. It is clear from the quality of the frames they've built to the hard work they've put into making sure that the match can run smoothly that Art and Ed have poured their hearts into these matches. We will honor their efforts by taking what they've done and expanding upon it in as many ways as we can to further enhance the BR competition shooting experience in Phoenix.

In a time when talk of BR dying off is more common than I recall in past years, I am very excited to be able to do what we can to preserve a sport that is at Berger Bullets' very core. Precision rifle shooting is the ultimate activity for the the discerning rifle shooter and short range BR group shooting is the most challenging precision rifle competition in the world. Some have asked me why I believed we are compelled to get this deeply involved in BR competition. The answer is simple. I've got nothing better (or more important) to do today.

This is great news and a big...

Thank You to Art Clegg, Ed Maxwell, Gary Ocock and silent (behind the scenes) Dr. Marsh for all their efforts in running the Ben Avery matches these past many years. Everyone who has ever shot at Ben Avery knows the huge effort required to host these matches and they have done a superb job!

See you this fall in Phoenix.

Thank You to Art Clegg, Ed Maxwell, Gary Ocock and silent (behind the scenes) Dr. Marsh for all their efforts in running the Ben Avery matches these past many years. Everyone who has ever shot at Ben Avery knows the huge effort required to host these matches and they have done a superb job!

See you this fall in Phoenix.

A big thank you to Art, Ed and Doc for running the matches under some very difficult conditions.......60 mph wind gusts makes things interesting.
We will be looking forward to meeting the new crew in Oct.
Are you going to do other BR matches like VFS or 1K at Ben Avery ?

JR ;)
At this point are plan is to keep things going as they are. We do not have any plans to operate BR matches other than those which have been held already.
