Berdan primers


canis lupus

Has anyone ever used a RCBS Berdan depriming tool? Do they work well or are they a wast of time and money? I need to deprime .223 brass.
Thank you
I have used them on .303 brass & 8 mm Mauser, where they worked fine.

However, I suspect that there's not a whole lot of room beterrn a SR berdan primer & its anvil. You might be better using the old method, i.e. a stub barrel to hold the case & a punch ground to a flat to knock the primer out with a hammer stroke & a twist of the wrist.

Thinking about it, I reckon a SR primer wouldn't be worth the trouble. Ditch the brass & scrounge some with boxer priming.
I tried one and hated it.

I now use a punch that we turned to the inside diameter of the case and fill the case full of water and this the puch to hydraulically remove the primer. Works GREAT.
i use one on my swiss k31 gp-11 brass.
as others have said, lp ok..i would not like to use on small rifle.
the hydraulic method would be the way to go if you HAVE TO.
would not do it....too much good brass out there in 223.

mike in co