Benchrest Trivia Questions?

Do you mean who made the first home made bullet, or the first home made bullet for sale?
I heard somewhere it was a guy from Iceland that came up with the process curently used??
As I am from Iceland I know people whe knew Jonas Hallgrimsson personally (well there are only about 300 thousands of us Icelanders) and I think it is correct that he came first up with the currently used prosess of making bullets. I think his old dies are still here around somewhere but he who might own them now does not use them.

He passed away some years ago but back in the days when I was starting shooting a friend of mine bought a benchrest rifle built by him. It was state of the art at the time, Mauser action with speedlock and set trigger chambered in .219 Donaldson Wasp.
We used some of the bullets made by him. They worked quite well and the rifle also but one must have in mind thet what else we were shoting with was just factory Sakos and Rem 700 in .222 .222 Magnum and .308 Win.

His guns are still here in Iceland but used only as collector pieces. Many of them quite beutiful with nice stocks. He was very fond og .17 Javelina.
Who made the first "nek nokker" - a device used to easily remove a case neck that broke off in the sizing die/bushing?
So tell us Wilbur

:rolleyes:Who did make the nek nokker? I actually had that happen once and just used a neck brush to pull it out. I dont rember who, but I saw one break off in the chamber once. Thats why I keep one of Snuffy's devices in my equipment.
Charlie Hood?.... I used my google machine When i saw you Say Nek Nokker cause i thought one may come in handy. Seems I always need a tool to fix things I've broken lol.. Have a case stuck in a die now that the tap broke off in it while I was making threads to use my handy puller to get it out. Now I guess I will have to Let someone get it out for me..
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Charlie Hood indeed!

It's hard to hide anything from Google. Actually, I invented it and asked Charlie to make it for me. He didn't think it was worth making the second one since nobody but me used their cases until they disentegrated. Pretty simple deal and works like a charm. Everybody ought to have one if only to loan it to folks like me.

It's a 2 inch cylinder the same diameter as a Wilson bushing with a .250 hole ( for the typical 6mm) through the center and a tight fitting knock out rod that goes in the hole. You just screw the top off your neck/bumb die, stick the device on top of the bushing and hit the knock out rod with whatever is handy, Voila! No need to screw the die out jeopardizing those deadly accurate settings. far as using a brush....I'm talking "my" cases here. The ones that look like they've been in a real bad oil fire where people died.
Jerry - That deal that Snuffy distributes won't always work. The probablity is high but sometimes you need a little more. My buddy Mark Luksic welded a small tap on the end of a long rod and put a slide hammer on the other end. The tap size is smaller that the id of the case and larger than the id of the neck. If the case head blows off you just stick the tap into what's left, turn it tight and jerk it out using the slide hammer. You have to have some idea of what's left in the chamber or you can't use this device. Nobody wants their chamber threaded!
admin that is some GOOD STUFF.
I still dont know who made the first custom 6mm benchrest bullets for sale or their use..I think most everyone used serria and remington bullets till that point,Right?
MY neighbor who is like 85(old silhouette shooter) was telling me he had a few hundred remington BR bullets in the basement somewhere(i was all over it) but turned out to be like 75GR'ers..By the way I can sit and talk to my neighbor for hours.he's a great old guy allthough it seem you have the same conversation several times over and over,i just go along with it..
We may need to conduct a se'ance to find the first bullet maker/seller. I think Remington (Mike Walker) put out some hand swaged bullets. If they weren't hand swaged they certainly shot like they were. Came in a red box - no green. When they quit making THOSE, they still put "BR" on the box. I had a few boxes but didn't imagine that they would quit making them. I also had a chance to buy T-32 powder in quantity.....but all this is decades past the first custom bullets.

George Kelbly might know or could come close.