A couple of things....
If the rifle that you are shooting off bags has a typical factory stock, the slimness of fhe forend is such that best results are usually obtained by positioining the front bag much closer to the action than the front sling swivel stud. I have tested this many times. Also, that is the reason that all of the attachments like the one in the previous posters picture may not be a desirable addition to your rifle, even though it will feel much more stable with the attachment. The attachment cannot address the stock flex issue.
More than once, I have seen someone using a forend stop with a slim factory stock, even though doing so puts the front bag too far out for a stock of the design that they were using. In these cases there may also be the problem of the forend being so shallow that the top of the stop touches the underside of the barrel. For these stocks, it is much better to remove the stop, and position the front bag right in front of the action.