Benchrest storage box



Does anyone know if they are still making the triangular sheet metal boxes for storing/transporting bench rests? If so, please post website or other contact info. Thanks!
Point to ponder.......

Never seen one, but look at it this way, if you put a triangular rest in a square box, you got extra space for your superfeet, F-class feet, bolt sleeves, lube and stuff. Fits better in the back of the wagon with all your other square and rectangular boxes too!
the box you

Does anyone know if they are still making the triangular sheet metal boxes for storing/transporting bench rests? If so, please post website or other contact info. Thanks!

are describing was a short run made by an individual back in the late 70's or early 80's. There a few of them in use around the upper Mid-West, but I have never seen one for sale. I would have to concur with the other poster that today, I would have a square box made so that I could also carry all the other little stuff and my back bag in the same box. A quick make for a good sheet metal shop.

Made my own.

I made mine out of 3/8 inch birch plywood. I stained and finished it and use brass hardware. It holds the base with a Shadetree joystick top installed and a spare windage top on the side. There are also holders for extra long leg adjusters and Superfeet. It's a bit heavy, but it does the job and looks nice. I had fun making it. I'm really a better carpenter than a shooter.
Yep they were called rest nest's I had one and gave it to my dad years ago. He still has it. There was one on ebay about 6 months ago. I have a Farley rest and it will not even come close to working.