Benchrest Seminar

Once again this coming April 7, 2018 Bob White and I will be putting on a Benchrest clinic at the Cherry Ridge Gun Club in Highland Lakes, NJ. This will be our twelfth year of this type of clinic. The first session will be classroom where Bob and I and maybe a guest speaker will discuss things from the history of organized Benchrest, the types of competition, types of rifles used, reloading, rests, tuning and wind reading plus much more. There will be plenty of time to get all your questions answered. The second session will be a shooting clinic where you can have your choice of shooting a Score or Group target.
Over the years this clinic has been a very big success because we have started students that have went on to be IBS Rookie of the year, became a match director holding IBS registered matches at their range and over twenty shooters that regularly attend registered matches. We are working on prizes for the raffle for the participants and I know we have a Sightron scope in the drawing. Anyone interested in attending please contact Bob White at The Shooters Corner 973-663-5159 or Harley Baker at 610-496-6768.
All are welcome from those that just want to check it out, to the beginning shooter that wants to get better or to the seasoned pro who is looking for that nugget to take them to the next level.
Thank you. Harley Baker
Looking forward to this again this year Harley. I sent in my registration to Bob last week. See you there.

I'd like to do this but need some clarity. Is this going to happen over the course of one weekend or is it two? Driving in from SW PA. Two weekends in a row is tough for me.
Sorry Harley, I posted as you did. Two consecutive Saturdays, 7th and 14th and you have to attend the Seminar to participate in the Clinic and shoot.

This past weekend 4/7/18 Bob White and I had our annual introduction to Benchrest Seminar at the ANJRPC Cherry Ridge Gun Club in Highland Lakes, NJ. It was well attended with over thirty students, a few were repeats from previous years but well over twenty were new to the seminar. We kicked things off with Bob giving a history of organized Benchrest ( and with over fifty years in the sport he has a lot of knowledge of history), then Bob talked about the different disciplines, rifles and targets. Now it was my time to explain what goes on at the bench to shoot competitively. Different rests, bags, stools, positioning at the bench and some of the extra things that are needed to compete. I followed this with trying to explain wind flags and mirage, ( a lot of deer in the head light looks but we got through it). I was followed up by Jeff Peinhardt of Sta-Moly, inc ( maker of great Bullet and Resizing dies plus many other Benchrest products). This was Jeff’s first time as a presenter at the Seminar. He spoke on reloading with the details in two parts from general ammo to competition ammo. Then he went into cleaning and care of your equipment. Jeff did a great job of explaining a procedure that everyone has an opinion about and there is no perfect way of doing. Bob then did a wrap up on tournament procedures and safety. Plenty of time for breaks, question and answers and there were a lot of great questions.
Several special thanks I would like to share at this time. First is to Sightron Scopes and Alan Orr who graciously gave a certificate for their not even released yet Competition Series rifle scope (June of 2018). This will be a great scope for the accuracy minded competitor, some of the specs will be 45 power, 30MM tube, ED glass, side focus, 1/10 MOA clicks, Focus down to 10 Yards and with a weight of 20.5 Ounces. WOW. Next I would like to thank the Capstone Precision Group who are the United States suppliers of Vihtavuori Powder and Lapua ammo, when Jack Neary who is one of their National sales team members heard what we were doing said that he would help us any way that he could I never expected such generosity. THANK YOU. Finally I would like to say thank you to the Cherry Ridge Gun Club for allowing us to use their facilities.
A note to any one who would like to put on a Benchrest seminar, DO IT! It does not take a lot of money, it does take some effort but the rewards are well worth it. I am available to give you our layout and to help you any way I can. Contact me and we can talk.

Harley Baker

P.S. Thats not the end of the clinic. If you came to the seminar and want to come back on Saturday you will be helped and guided through shooting a two target Score or Group match. You can bring your own rifle or on a limited bases some equipment will be available. There will be seasoned shooters there to help and guide you. All the above for $5 or $10 dollars. What a deal.


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