Benchrest Rifle wanted



I'm interested in obtaining a rimfire benchrest rifle or pistol. How does one obtain a good quality rifle or pistol either newly built or a good used one?
I would suggest looking in the classifieds for some great used rifles. Look for Remingtion 40x, Anschutz w/ 54 action, Suhl 150's, Turbo or hall. Those will get you started real well with a used rifle.

If you have your heart set on new and your pocket book allows it, I suggest doing a seach on here for the top rimfire gunsmiths and give a few a call and ask them to build you one and what they suggest as a good way to go.

Go around to some local shoots and see the different rifles. See what is winning and who built them. Where do you live?
I've got a good one to sell you (seriously) send me an email. I think I can give you a good deal.
Go to local shoots as recommended.

Take along plenty of cash. You can shoot it before you buy it at our range.