Benchrest in Oklahoma and Texas


In the 2009 and 2010 I shot a few club matches and attend a regional match at NTSA in Denton, Tx. Also made a couple of trip to the Okie Shooters in Luther. I was just getting in the sport and was learning to tune and read flags. I was a little more drawn to score shooting. Family situation changed with helping sick parents and comitting time to my kids and benchrest shooting fell to the back burner. One kid is college and one is a senior in High school, but hope to have the ocassional free weekend again. I know most thing got canceled in the Summer and Fall 2020 and the Spring 2021 are still wait and see. Questions - doesn't NTSA still host benchrest club matches? what about Okie Shooters? Any new 100-200 yd benchrest ranges in DFW area that area hosting club matches?

Thanks, Tim
The Denton club hasn't hosted any group matches for several years. They shoot a 200y Poker Chip match the 2nd Sunday of the month. Here is a link to their website...

The Arlington Sportsman's Club in Mansfield hosts a VFS "fun match" the 4th Saturday of the month. Here is a link to their website.

Neither of these matches are registered NBRSA matches. The Gulf Coast region does have both NBRSA-registered group and score matches but they will require travel. Here is the 2021 Gulf Coast schedule...

There are also NBRSA group matches at Luther and the Ouachita Sportsman clubs. They're both abut 5 hours away.

There is a core group of about a dozen guys here in DFW who are actively shooting Benchrest. But to participate in registered matches, you're forced to drive about 5 hours regardless of where you go to shoot. For me personally, I will also drive to Raton and St Louis to shoot their registered matches. In that same drive time category, is Richard's Brensing's new range in Kansas.

If you want to contact me directly, send an e-mail to Good Luck!

Thanks Kyle. I will email you before the summer. I am not ready for registered matches. I still dont have a dedicated BR Gun. I know you can’t be competitive with the gear I have. Some of the shooter I knew in my area have all jumped on PRS type stuff. That is not for me but I will be trying F class as well this year (assuming they have matches). I local range I used to shot at doesn’t have a full time range master. Way too many people show up with black rifles and spray for me to go there anymore.

Thanks again for the match info, Tim
Club shoots in West Texas


Not sure where your located at, sounds like N Texas. Just want to let you know that both Midland and Lubbock host club matches monthly. Midland is normally the second Saturday of the month and Lubbock is the 4th. If there is a registered match at one of the other, the club matches will be canceled. Both clubs shoot Group matches with HV, 100 and 200 yards, Lots of fun, $25 entry with prize money for the winners and small groups. It is also custom for the winners to treat everyone to lunch once the shooting is over. Lots of fun with a very friendly atmosphere. Also Midland is planning on its first registered match, the Buffalo Classic, on April 10-11. LV and HV. Would love to have you attend!
