Benchrest Central


New member
Since the writing is on the wall that BC is fading into obscurity, is there any way to save or house the archives and information found in the search functions? It's a shame that this has happened to what once was the go-to site for precision rifle information. There is a ton of valuable information that was shared here and still available, even if the site were to close the forum. Just sad to see its demise and thinking maybe something can be done to keep at least some portion of it available.
The Gunsmith Corner used to have lots of threads, but some time ago a lot of them went AWOL. I'm no expert or even an amateur as far as site maintenance goes, but what changes that requires hours of attention every day other than checking for inappropriate content?
The Gunsmith Corner used to have lots of threads, but some time ago a lot of them went AWOL. I'm no expert or even an amateur as far as site maintenance goes, but what changes that requires hours of attention every day other than checking for inappropriate content?

Understood, and when it comes to anything computer related, I haven't a clue. I would just hate to see the information that is currently here just disappear one day when we log in to see that the site no longer exists. I literally am seeing one or two members online in here at a time. It may be too late, now, anyway. Was just a thought.
My hopes are that if Elmer does not want to continue to run this site... somebody that is computer savvy, will make him a generous offer and keep this site going with the good guys we have here. and bring new blood in. I would much rather have that be the case than to see this thing fade into the deep abyss like a few others have without mentioning names.
My hopes are that if Elmer does not want to continue to run this site... somebody that is computer savvy, will make him a generous offer and keep this site going with the good guys we have here. and bring new blood in. I would much rather have that be the case than to see this thing fade into the deep abyss like a few others have without mentioning names.

Exactly. And that is what I am hoping for and can't say it any better. When you do a search on here and threads come up from years past, it's amazing the amount of information shared and testing that was performed to provide input to the subject matter. Fingers crossed that something positive will manifest.