Benchrest Air rifle Events in Michigan


"Bench Rest", I use one word "Benchrest", it seems to be a confusing topic. Just Because you shoot Resting from a Bench, doesn't exactly make it "Benchrest" competition. I am and always have been a Benchrest shooter. In my search and strive to improve the promotion and running of Benchrest match shooting locally, regionally, and Nationally I have been to all ends finding "true" benchrest clubs and matches.

I am trying to promote our Matches at SMGC, Kalamazoo, MI, which are USARB sanctioned matches. We run a number of outdoor 25 meter Benchrest matches each year and are looking to promote the club, the sport, and the National orginizations USARB, and National 50. More about that soon. In the meantime I have been talking to shooters and organizers from other local clubs in an effort to have some sort of "Organized Effort" to do the same. Just so we as shooters are all on the same page, I would like to put a schedule together that all the shooters can see so that they not only go the the closest club to them, but also venture out to help support the sport and the other clubs efforts just the same.

There is a new Organization for 50 yard Benchrest, "National 50 League”. The organization is run and spearheaded by Michael Niksch, and his friends Joe Friedrich and Lou Fontain. It is gaining speed and has new targets and plugs that make it a better match for air rifles at 50 Yards. We at Kalamazoo are going to test it in our practice sessions after our scheduled match is over… who knows we may throw a match or two into the mix if it goes well.

We at SMGC, will be running our Outdoor matches starting May 8th, then on the first Saturday of the month each month, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, and Oct. We start at 10:00am shooting, but we open the gates at 8:00am. Members and non members are welcomed, USARB matches, 177, 20 and 22 air rifles.

At Harrison Sportmens Club, Harrison MI, Tom Simmon runs their matches which are similar to the EBR matches and they are the 2nd Saturday,at 4pm, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, and Sept.

At Isabella County, Winn, MI, They have a summer league that runs on Thursday nights, 1st Thursday of the month starting in April at 4pm. I am unsure of the exact setup, but I understand they shoot 50 yards. This might be a good chance to try Mikes new National 50 targets out… I'm told they shoot with the rimfire guys, but when it comes to scoring there are separate classes for air or powder burners.

I hope this helps, I'd like to ask that if you see this, pass it to a friend that hasn't seen it.

Thank You,

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