Beloved Rimfire Gunsmith

Same here

I too spoke with him about that time. He said he had been having trouble with his ISP, but his phone was working. I've tried for four days straight, at several different times of the day and evening and get no answer. Just wondering if his health is still good, plus I have some good news for him about Suhl parts..
I have a stock in to Butch for some work. Last spoke by e-mail on June 26. He said it would be about a month so......

It is vacation time of the year. Lets not panic. bob finger
Who's in a panic

I just wanted him to get on the list. You know the old saying if you snooze you loose. Other reasons to speak with him as well.
I talked to him last week on the phone, and he told me he was having trouble with his computer and that email was useless in trying to reach him. I know he was having some trouble with a knee, I'm not sure if he's doing better. I'm hoping he has my rifle done for Joe Hallers match next weekend.
Alive and well

Talked to Butch and he's doing fine, with the exception of his regular headaches.
He has my Rem 37 for a trigger job. Got an e-mail last week that he was finished with it and following a range session this past weekend, would put it in return shipping to me this week. :D

Sure hope it lives up to his reputation--but then I will have lost one of my better excuses!!!

I don't think you will be disappointed!!! I love the 40x he built for me.He is a really great smith and a fun guy to hang out with.He and Roger Brock are my 2 picks for a smith.