Bell City Rifle Club, Southington, CT score match


Mike Suhie
The next score match at Bell City will be held on September 19th at 10am. We will once again be contesting VFS, VH, H, and factory/semi-custom classes at 100yds.
Please show up an hour to an hour and a half early for flag setup, registration, and safety meeting. I hope everyone enjoyed their experience at the first match, and I am hoping to repeat the fun on the 19th.
Food and drink will be available for a small donation.
Plaques for first place in all categories, and certificates of achievement for second place in all categories will be awarded.
Look forward to seeing you all there!
details for directions can be found at under the benchrest link.
Feel free to pm me with any questions you may have.
Thanks again,
Mike Suhie
Just wanted to bump this to the top. Looking forward to another fun shoot at Bell City. Hope to see you all there.
If the weather continues like it has it should make for a very pleasant day of shooting. Winds have been very mild at the range in the last few weeks and the temps have been in the mid 70's.
Thanks again,
Mike Suhie
One last reminder about the match this weekend. Should be a lot of fun.
I have recently had a conversation with Bob White about potentially having a benchrest clinic at the range, or some mutually agreeable location for those interested. If you are interested and can't make the match you can respond to this post or pm me here.
This is a great opportunity to learn from some of the best in benchrest. He mentioned that he would be able to bring some top flight teachers with him so I think it could be a great opportunity.
I will be discussing it more at the match on Saturday. I am also looking for interest in non-registered club matches for those who were frustrated with the format of the first match. This was partially my fault for not updating the bellcity website to reflect the registered status of the match, and I do apologize.
Let me know.