Before it's too late . . . Boone Valley Ike's, Webster City, Iowa.

R.G. Robinett

"That'll never work."
For some reason, our May match did not make it onto the PRECISION RIFLEMAN events schedule, thus the following.

May 16Th & 17 Th, at Webster City Iowa, the Boone Valley Isaac Walton Club 2015 NBRSA bench-rest season will kick-off with a Two Gun Score event. This will be a good opportunity to garner experience prior to the NBRSA Hunter and VfS National Championships (100/200 Grands & Two Gun), to be conducted there from August 4 through 7, 2015. For more info regarding the 2015 NBRSA (100/200 Yd.) Score Nationals, please see our advertisement in PRECISION RIFLEMAN magazine.

On saturday, May, 16, 2015, we will host both Hunter and Varmint for Score:100/200 Yd. and Grand Aggs. On Sunday we will shoot only VfS: 100/200 Yd. and Grand Agg. Start times: 9:00 AM. The Hunter Grand (Saturday, 5-16), combined with Sunday's VfS Grand will constitute the Two Gun.

For more info, please contact match director, Ron Berg (515-795-2606), or, Vice-president, Mike Bigelow (515-795-3279. Keep 'em ON the X! RG