Bedding Question


Tony C

I have a Savage Model 12 BVSS in a BR type stock. The person who bedded it used Devcon and continued the bedding an inch or so in front of the action, so a chambered no-nut barrel rides on the bedding this far. Generally speaking, is it better for the bedding to end flush with the action or to extend about an inch?

If I decided to remove the bedding material it should be pretty easy with a Dremel tool.
If it is stress free I don't think it will make a difference in either case.
Tony, I don't like any bedding forward of the reciever or under any portion of the barrel shank. As the barrel heats up, it can place some stress on the bedding and give the occasional FF'er (Freaky Flyer).

The exception would be a super lightweight hunting rig with a #1-ish barrel. They often respond to bedding the barrel the entire length of the fore arm. Not that this is what we're talking about, but it's worth saying.

Just my approach to it. -Al
Tony, I don't like any bedding forward of the reciever or under any portion of the barrel shank. As the barrel heats up, it can place some stress on the bedding and give the occasional FF'er (Freaky Flyer).

I have experienced group stringing as the barrel heated up when 3 inches of the tapered barrel ahead of the action was bedded...