Bedding Compounds?


New member
I'm wanting to do my first bedding job, the only substance I know of is Acraglas. Are there any brands or substances out there that might be better or easier to use?
Devcon Putty. Steel or Aluminum doesn't matter to me.
Very nice to work with.
Lots of time before it sets.
Thick like peanut butter and stays where you put it, does not run.
I dont know if it matters but this will be done in a wood stock along with pillar bedding. I also forgot what kind of a release agent would I use? Thanks for the info so far.
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Devcon 10110 is great stuff. Gives you a perfect looking job, hard as hens teeth when it's fully cured.

I use nuetral shoe polish as a release agent.

Kelbly's beds all their benchres rifles with Devcon
Aluminum Putty. I have used it to bed 3 rifles.
It's easy to work with and is performing well.
I like Bisonite. Depending on whether you intend to compete with this rifle or not, you might consider a glue-in job.